De Reuters nos viene esto:
"It is the state that sets the price of these products that will be sold, it's not some mafia ... no individual is going to come here and tell us the value of a product that belongs to all Venezuelans," Industry Minister Ricardo Menendez said last week during the launch of the new system.
The government has no idea what it's doing
With the new mechanism, Venezuela is now selling its metals well above the international price, according to mining industry workers, though it is not immediately evident how the companies are establishing prices.
Venezuela seeks 'fair price' for metals exports, traders wary
Traders warn that government plans to raise prices for its metals and minerals exports in a bid to obtain a fair price, could leave it without buyers.
Author: Diego Ore & Silvia Antonioli (Reuters)Posted: Wednesday , 28 Aug 2013 CARACAS/LONDON (Reuters) -
Venezuela is hiking prices for its metals and minerals exports in an effort to obtain a "fair price" from buyers, but traders warned the move could leave the OPEC nation without buyers for its most important non-oil exports.
President Nicolas Maduro said the system would boost revenue for metals including iron, steel and aluminum, while reducing costly commissions paid to intermediaries and traders.
Lea el resto del articulo aqui: MasterMetals: #Venezuela finds another way to destroy its credibility
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