Columbia University completed a study on natural hazards in Caracas
Apropos the natural disaster in 1999 and based on forecasts after the earthquake of 1967, taking into account the urban development of the Venezuelan capital city, multiple recommendations were made to Venezuelan government authorities to prevent the potential untoward impact of a sizable earthquake
The report shows detailed maps of the areas and available security services (Photo: Columbia University)
After the natural disaster of Vargas, in December 1999, when heavy rains fell down and destroyed part of the Central Seabord, many studies were conducted about sensitive cities like Caracas. On this matter and any contingencies that could endanger the capital city, whether due to massive muds and landslides or an earthquake, Columbia University conducted a thorough study on the situation in Caracas and the potential effects of a sizeable earthquake.
Based on collected data on the earthquake of 1967 and forecasts from the demographic burden on the capital region, together with lack of services and preparedness for such natural disasters, the study describes risk zones and potential hazards.
The report shows risk areas with an emphasis on transport and public service utilities, in addition to old buildings and informal squatter settlements.
The report stated that such recommendations were submitted to government authorities in Caracas, the Andean Community (CAN), the National Assembly (AN), academic institutions, the United Nations Development Program (UNPD) and the Venezuelan Red Cross.
The work presents a pedagogic approach to urban planning.
See here the report prepared by Columbia University.
Columbia University completed a study on natural hazards in Caracas - Daily News - EL UNIVERSAL